Thursday, April 5, 2012


"What is the opposite of two?
A lonely me, a lonely you."

 1.  Pop psychology rarely works on...Mom.
2. Sometimes your inner child tells your
internal dialogue... to shut up.

3. Don't war with reality...accept 
peace of mind.
4. A politician is someone who gets
credit...for what everyone else does.

5. Even excess should be practiced in...
6. The problem with putting in your
two cents is... it's not worth two cents
7.  If the best things in life are free...
why do they charge so much for them?
8.  If your outgo exceeds your ingo...
you're not going far.
9.  To have beautiful butterflies, you
have to have caterpillars chewing up
 all the leaves and leaving messy web
 nests all over...This is the price
 of beauty.
10.  You can't put your best foot...
if you don't know which one it is.

Terms that don't exist but should...
1. BLOGNITOS.........................New Bloggers.
2. BLOGWORTHY............................Just That.
3. BLOG DE PLUME...............Blogging Name.
4. BLOGGEREL......................Bad Blog Poetry.
5. BUNGEE BLOGGER.....First Time Blogger.
6. BLOGZILLA.......................Very Large Blog.
7. BLOGAREE.............On-Line Bloggers Party.
8. BLOGAROON....Pirate Who Steals Material.
 9. BLOGDRONES.............Uncreative Bloggers.
10. BLOGSHED................................... Blog BS

Count Sneaky and Helen
Lucy the Beagle

Copyright 2012 HTStone


Paul said...

O dear, I am witnessing the prize of beauty every morning when I shave....(sigh!)

THE SNEE said...

Hi Count Sneaky,

I have a ton of favorites today! I loved blog vocabulary words, the contrast between caterpillars and butterflies, and the war on reality versus peace of mind. Hmmm....I could use a little peace of mind, Mind if I go look at the butterflies for awhile? Hope that you and yours are well and enjoying the spring.

nothingprofound said...

Count, of course 3 is my favorite, with 5 a close runner up. The blog vocabulary words are sheer genius, more proof of your inimitable wit. Hope all is well.

Yun Yi said...

I have not commented often but I do read your blogs, most inspiring...
"don't war with reality..." --- guess i will just stay peace with my 20 pounds extra weight...:-)

Thanks for your wisdom!

Yun Yi said...
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