Thursday, March 18, 2010

Or why you should watch 'em...
The OWL, sad to say, must learn how to scowl...
The ORIOLE, in the bird world, is quite droll...
The FLAMINGO has been known to master calypso...
The WIDGEON has not a brain, not a smidgeon...
The COOT is an awkward, ungraceful galoot...
The STARLING starts bird watchers snarling...
The DOVE is incapable of life without his lady love...
The SCARLET TANAGER seems to do quite well
without a manager...
The SPARROW refuses to walk the straight
and narrow...
The VIREO will sit and watch any DVD or video...
The BLUE JAY can squawk, but has little to say...
The SWAN is very vain and dresses in chiffon...
The PEACOCK has a fear of having to defrock...
The PHEASANT has a life short and unpleasant...
The MACAW is very smart and can even seesaw...
The BOBOLINK when it tries to swim, tends to sink...
The WOODPECKER is quite often a homewrecker...
The LOON is mistaken when it thinks it can croon...
The MAGPIE can be taught to whistle ,"Coming
 Through The Rye"...
The STORK does nothing but stand on one leg
and go "Gwork!...
The NUTHATCH only the surface scratches...
The CEDAR WAXWING is beautiful, but
 something of  ding-a-ling...
The PLOVER does nothing but turn rocks over...
The SKYLARK can say nothing but "HARK!"...
The CANARY is so wary it's scary...
The QUAIL cannot fly high enough to leave a
The CROW always eats what it does not sow...
The THRASHER is known among female birds
as something of a masher...
The ROBIN is not known to go bob-bob-
bobing along...
The COCKATOO has little respect for me
 and you...
The PARAKEET  has a funny walk and very
 little feet...
The VULTURE, typically, has little culture...
The CARDINAL knows that he is the
only ordinal...
The BULLFINCH will not flinch in a pinch...
The MOCKINGBIRD knows many a delicious
swear word...
The EGRET will never express regret...
The WREN is without original sin...
The FLICKER can hold its liquor...
The NIGHTINGALE cannot sing with a
The CATBIRD can purr without being
The GOOSE has morals that are

 very loose...
The PIDGEON, oddly, is not related to the
The SANDPIPER is a shorebird who
 is very hyper...
The HUMMINGBIRD can hover just like
a whirlybird...

Though there are more,
In field and on shore,
Including one that cries "Nevermore!",
I close at the risk of being a bore.

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