Friday, April 2, 2010

Unique and eccentric page.

I have proposed a new television show to be called "American Idol Smasher". Briefly, a number of iconoclasts who audition, will compete to produce the most realitic picture of our society to this point. Musical interludes will be provided by all last place contestants of "American Idol" over the last seven years. Now, of course, one would not expect this show to draw the big numbers, or galvanize the youth of the country, like "American Idol," but I do believe that it would be able to hijack some of PBS's  quality audience of cage-rattlers.
I was thinking this week that life is unfair in a lot of cases. Consider ham and eggs for instance. The chicken sits on a cozy straw nest and drops a couple of eggs when she feels like it. On the other ham, the pig, as for his part, has to meet The Grim Reaper.  It's just not fair!
Another thing about chickens: Go ahead and count your chickens before they hatch. It's close enough for most work!
Where I work the office water cooler is a hose.
If you see the ladder of success...don't walk under it.
A penny saved, is about .001  cent saved.
My wife knows what I'm capable of... it makes her laugh.
Cooking with wine is a good idea .  Marinate yourself first.

Now my dear, I'd like to play for you my latest
composition, "Serenade to a Hook and Ladder Fire Co."

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